Ocasio Cortez Y Homeland Security Chief Average ratng: 5,0/5 877 reviews

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in an interview this week that she was in favor of ending the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

  • Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday that he has launched an “immediate investigation” into what he called “disturbing & inexcusable” social media posts from Border.
  • Ocasio-Cortez, in an interview last week with New Yorker Radio, said she is longer setting her sites on abolishing just ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). She is now intent on abolishing the entire Department of Homeland Security. “ICE is not under the (Department of Justice),” Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) explained.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff, spokesman leave her office Saikat Chakrabarti, the controversial chief of staff to high-profile freshman Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, will be.

Homeland Security chief begins probe of Facebook group. Including one describing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., involved in oral sex with a migrant detainee. It also featured posts. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got at least one thing right this week: The Department of Homeland Security should be abolished. Ocasio-Cortez proposed breaking up DHS in a radio interview with New.

The freshman congresswoman made the remarks during an appearance on The New Yorker Radio Hour with David Remnick while discussing her past comments when she called for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“And so, I think what it means is, for example, ICE is not under DOJ It’s under the Department of Homeland Security,” Ocasio-Cortez said during the interview.

“Would you get rid of Homeland Security, too?” Remnick asked.

Ocasio cortez y homeland security chief

“I think so. I think so,” the freshman congresswoman replied. “I think we need to undo a lot of the egregious mistakes that the Bush Administration did.”


“I feel like it is a very qualified and supported position, at least in terms of evidence and in terms of being able to make the argument that we never should have created DHS in the early 2000s,” she added.

The DHS was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as “a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks,” according to the department’s website.

Following her comments, former New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez told Fox News’ Outnumbered on July 10 that the idea of abolishing the department was “pure insanity,” adding that it would put the nation at risk.

“Homeland Security was created in order to keep America safe, it was created after 9/11. I just think Ocasio-Cortez is into the ‘shock and awe.’ She wants to make a statement and be ahead of everything,” Martinez told the program.

She was also criticized by other prominent figures for her comments.

“Ridiculous comments by AOC on DHSgov,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) wrote on Twitter. “The Dept. of Homeland Security has been invaluable to our country’s safety since it was created after the 9/11 attacks. ICE & CBP agents risk their lives to keep us safe while Dems sit in their comfy offices & attack them. It’s shameful.”

Ocasio cortez y homeland security chief resignsOcasio Cortez Y Homeland Security Chief

Ridiculous comments by @AOC on @DHSgov.

The Dept. of Homeland Security has been invaluable to our country’s safety since it was created after the 9/11 attacks. ICE & CBP agents risk their lives to keep us safe while Dems sit in their comfy offices & attack them. It’s shameful. https://t.co/1RNIGR4yrO

— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) July 10, 2019

“Someone should inform AOC the Dept. of Homeland Security (formed after 9/11) is more than just border security—it operates the Coast Guard, FEMA, TSA, & many crucial programs that combat terrorism, too,” GOP Co-Chair Tommy Hicks said.

Someone should inform AOC the Dept. of Homeland Security (formed after 9/11) is more than just border security—it operates the Coast Guard, FEMA, TSA, & many crucial programs that combat terrorism, too.

Eliminating this department would be ludicrous.https://t.co/Zb2oJ2ZIwi

— Tommy Hicks (@TommyHicksGOP) July 10, 2019

Bringing the end of DHS will also end the operation of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), United States Coast Guard (USCG), United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), United States Secret Service (USSS), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Management Directorate, Science and Technology Directorate, Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and the Office of Operations Coordination.

Vice President Kamala Harris (L) watches as US President Joe Biden signs executive orders after speaking on racial equity in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC on January 26, 2021. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) - President Joe Biden in issuing executive orders on climate change essentially “drew a target on the back of American energy and then he pulled the trigger” and “killed the Keystone XL pipeline,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said Thursday.
“President Biden in his inaugural address talked about unity, and by the time he got to the White House, that got thrown out the window, and he picked up his pen, and he drew a target on the back of American energy, and then he pulled the trigger. He killed the Keystone XL pipeline, and he’s killing energy jobs all around the country by stopping additional leasing for oil, gas, coal, all around America,” he said in an interview with Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo.”

Ocasio Cortez Y Homeland Security Chief Resigns

“That's maybe coming up as high as 30,000 jobs in Wyoming. What we're seeing here is the Green New Deal, basically dressed up in executive orders,” the senator said.
“Democrats have gone back to the blame America first approach,” Barrasso said. “The reason we want a strong energy economy in America is it’s jobs. It’s affordable energy, and because it’s of our own national security. Energy security is national security, and the money that comes from this, it goes for roads and bridges and schools.
“Even Democrats, a number of Democrats in the House from Texas are opposed to what the president is doing with the executive orders, and they're talking about a million jobs being lost in our country because of this approach, this far left radical approach that the president is taking on energy,” he added.
Fox Business host Jackie DeAngelis asked if the Democrats are playing right into Russia’s hands with respect to energy policy, because the U.S. had become the world’s top oil producer over Russia and Saudi Arabia.
“Absolutely. Energy is called the master resource for a reason. It powers our economy, our country, our military, and it is an instrument of power on the world stage. We don't want to become more dependent on other countries,” Barrasso said.
“We want other countries to be dependent upon us, and it's the American energy availability that has allowed us to do that. It seems that they want to turn back the clock to the old days of an Obama approach, which is what we're seeing with the Biden administration,” he said.
The U.S. needs “all of the energy,” Barrasso said. “We need renewables. We also need the oil, the gas, the coal, the uranium for nuclear power. We need it all. I know John Kerry said some of these folks can make solar panels. Anybody who believes that we're going to power this country and this economy with solar panels and wind turbines, they have to believe also in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.”
Barrasso said you saw Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) “coming out and saying look what I forced these guys to do.”
“It's amazing how scared they are of the liberal left. Even the unions have come out against what this administration is doing, because so many of these jobs are good union jobs that have been killed specifically with the Keystone XL Pipeline. American energy needs to continue to play the role in the world that we have, and I'm going to continue to fight for that as a senior member of the Energy Committee,” the senator said.
DeAngelis questioned whether Biden is bowing to pressure from the extreme left with his executive orders on climate change. “He's not going to be able to tow a moderate line, because he owes people things, and he's got an agenda to push here,” she said.
“Well, I think you're absolutely right, Jackie. You saw Bernie Sanders just the other day said we're going to continue to push Joe Biden as far to the left as we can, and he seems to be going over the cliff of the left,” Barrasso said.
On the issue of impeachment, Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) are drafting a resolution to censure former President Donald Trump, instead of impeaching him after 45 Republican senators voted for a measure saying the impeachment trial would be unconstitutional.
When asked whether he would support censuring Trump, Barrasso said, “That's not what the House sent to the Senate. The House impeached the president, sent that to the Senate, and we'll be holding a trial in the next week or two. I believe it's unconstitutional. I'm one of the 45 Republican senators who voted to say exactly that. You cannot try a former president of the United States.
“What we see is a partisan crusade against the former president. Even the chief justice of the Supreme Court is not showing up for the trial. It was a rush to judgment in the House. It was a snap impeachment, and I swore an oath to the Constitution, and I believe it's unconstitutional to do this to a former president of the United States,” he said.