3 Results Of The War 1812 Average ratng: 3,9/5 3756 reviews

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The War Of 1812 Video

The issue of impressment caused a public outrage in America and is believed to be one of the main causes of the War of 1812. Impressment became a popular issue in the press before it even appeared on President James Madison’s list of grievances against Britain in his June 1, 1812 message to Congress. The War of 1812 was the result of mounting tensions and global political conflict. The American merchant marine had doubled over the first decade of the 19th century, and British citizens genuinely feared the possibility of being surpassed by American merchant shipping. On the surface, it may seem that the War of 1812 was just pointless bloodshed spattered on the pages of human history. After all, according to the final Treaty of Ghent, all relations and borders were supposed to return to status quo ante bellum, or pre-war, status. Look beyond the legalism and into the practical effects of the war, however, and one will find significant attitudinal changes in. Destroyed Native Alliances. Throughout the colonial period, French and Indian War, American Revolution, and up to the War of 1812 there was only one nation that harassed American advancement and it was the Native Americans. RESULTS OF THE WAR OF 1812 The Treaty of Ghent (1814) ended the war.  Fighting would stop and the territory would revert to status quo.  The maritime rights of neutrals (blockades and impressment) were not mentioned.  Other questions such as boundaries.

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Running: THE WAR OF 1812The War of 1812Name of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
1THE WAR OF 1812Part A:The War of 1812 was fought between the United States of America, the UniteddKingdom and France. The war receives contradictory reaction, while some historians feel itwas unnecessary, others say it was important. The two causes of the war which showed that itwas important were as follows:Preservation of the American prestige:Britain in order to control French trade with America imposed restrictions onAmerican traders. The British insulted the Americans and forcefully included in the British tostrengthen their army against France. Americans fought the war to safeguard their rights andidentity.Impressment and actions of the British Navy:The British imposed restrictions on American traders using their naval power torestrict the trade of France withe the Americans. Moreover, to win against Nepolean, theBritish forced the American to join their army. They used Indian army to raid the Americancoasts and supported the Native Americans to raid the United States.Part B:The two results of the war of 1812 which benefitted the US are as follows:1. The United States forces were able to defeat the Native Americans and unify them withtheir country. As a result, the United States become more stable country and the UScelebrated the second independence.2. The American Navy became stronger which helped the United States to protect its bordersbetter. Due to unification the country was unified, it encouraged economic development and

3 Outcomes Of The War Of 1812

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